周轉筐又分為周轉箱(無網眼)、周轉籮(有網眼),因為周轉筐基本都是是塑料造的,所以周轉筐也叫塑料筐。周轉筐多應用于工業流水線流轉以及倉儲堆放,和周轉箱,塑料卡板合為工業三寶。現在周轉筐也轉來轉開始普及農業產業發展,取代竹籮來裝水果,蔬菜等。 1.分類 周轉筐分為網眼可疊、網眼可套、封閉可套、封閉可疊幾種,適合倉庫、生產流水線、廠區內部周轉網眼,使用完畢后可節省空間。網眼型只可堆放固體物品,封閉型即可堆放固體物品,又可堆放液體物品。一次性塑料筐。 周轉筐按性能也可分為一般周轉筐和防靜電周轉筐。 2.材料 分高密度低壓聚乙烯(HDPE)和聚丙烯(PP)兩種。質地堅硬,耐寒性能良好,化學穩定性很高,能耐酸堿及有機熔劑,無毒無味。有很突出的電氣性能和良好的耐輻射性,有較高的耐熱溫度。 3.特點 經濟(可循環使用)、環保(保護生態環境)、衛生(耐酸堿 防霉變 防潮 防蛀)、安全(無釘刺、無輻射、無味)、便捷(不需修理 易搬運)。
中譯英: Turnover basket is divided into turnover box(no mesh), revolving basket(mesh), because the turnover basket are basically is made of plastic, so turnover basket also called plastic basket. Basket turnover is more and more used in industrial pipeline flow and storage dumps, and turnover box, plastic pallets for industrial sambo. Now the turnover basket also turn to popularize agricultural industry development, replace the bamboo basket for fruits, vegetables and other. 1 Classified Turnover basket is divided into meshes can be stacked, mesh can be set, closed set, closed can be stacked for several, warehouse, production lines, plant area turnover mesh, after use to save space. Mesh type can only be stacked solid objects can be stacked, closed type solid objects, and can be stacked for liquids. Disposable plastic basket. Turnover basket according to the performance can be divided into general turnover basket and anti-static turnover basket. 2 Material science High density polyethylene(HDPE)and polypropylene(PP)two. Hard, cold resistance, good chemical stability, high power, acid and organic solvent, non-toxic and tasteless. Has very outstanding electrical properties and good resistance to radiation, high temperature resistance. 3 Characteristic Economic(recycling), green(environmental protection), health(acid and alkali resistance of anti-mildew moisture mothproof), safe(no thorns, no radiation, tasteless), convenient(without repair and easy to carry). (圖/文http://www.m.amazingthailandmarathon.com/) |